Sunday, November 13, 2005

From The History of Greene County, 1883

History of Greene County, Missouri 1883
R. I. Holcombe, Editing Historian
Chapter 36
Robberson TownshipDescription--Topography--Early History--First Settlers--Pioneer Camp meeting--Knox Cave--Masonic Lodge, Ebenezer--Biographical History

This is the central northern township of the county, bounded by Franklin township on the east, Campbell and Center townships on the south, Cass township on the west and Polk county on the north. It comprises all of congressional township 30, and the south 24 sections of congressional township 31, all in range 22. There is but little prairie territory in this township, and that lies chiefly in the vicinity of Ebenezer, in the eastern central part. It is most even and least broken in the central parts north of Little Sac river, stretching thence away to the northeast towards Sims branch. These two streams and their branches, which flow for the most part from the southeast towards the northwest, form the chief drainage of the township. The northern part is rough and more hilly, and not the best adapted to agricultural purposes like the central portion in and around the Robberson prairie.
One Mr. Paynter settled Ebenezer in 1831. Paynter has long since gone, and Thomas Wilson lived on the farm. For a lonG time it has been owned and occupied by a worthy citizen, William H. Paine. In 1834, one of the largest and most worthy and respected families of Greene county settled near Ebenezer, and their name was given to that large, rich and beautiful prairie, "Robberson." In that family were seven brothers and seven sisters. They were from Tennessee. Edwin was an eminent Methodist divine. Bennett, whom we all knew, and knew him to love and respect him, was a large farmer, a politician of a large and broad soul, who had and held the confidence of all parties. Rufus is the only one of that large enterprising family now living. Some of their children are leading men and women, and are citizens of Greene county. [915]
The Rev. David Ross, Elisha and Daniel Headlee were early settlers. The Rev. David Ross was respected by all, for his many virtues and Christian example. He left a small family who true to the teachings of their father, are ornaments of virtue and worth in society. The first camp meetings were organized mainly by the influence of this truly Christian settlement.
A grist mill was built by Joseph Evans, and he ventured to erect a frame dwelling, house, and for years it was the admired of all admirers, every one being, curious to know how much such a building cost. Uncle Joe is still living and is happy.
Many other names ought to have a place here, and are left out only for want of sufficient and correct data. It is now a densely populated part of the country, and in all respects commendable as a church-going and industrious community of citizens.
In congressional township 31, range 22, which forms the northern part of Robberson township, a family by the name of Alsop were settlers at an early date, and lived west of the State road. John Jones came about 1834, and lived in section 15. The log cabin which first occupied the spot where Jones settled was built by a man named House. William Tuck came from McMahon county, East Tennessee, in the fall of 1837, and settled where House and Jones had formerly lived. Simeon Bird came from Tennessee in 1837, and settled on the Dry Sac in the neighborhood of Tuck. About the same time several families came to this part of Missouri from Tennessee, but settled in what is now Polk county, adjacent to this township. In the fall of 1838 or 1839 Thomas Swadley, from East Tennessee, settled on the Dry Sac about a mile above the Tuck and Bird settlement.
The Bolivar road, which runs north through Robberson township, is said to have been the first road regularly laid out in Greene county. It was laid out by the State, and ran from Boonville on the Missouri river to Fayetteville in Arkansas. A post-office was formerly kept on the James Headlee place, which was called Richland, but it is several years since it has been in existence. [916]


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